Richard Shaw

Web developer, husband, and father

I am a well-rounded front-end web developer with experience in responsive design using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as Bootstrap and JQuery.

I am a career changer and student at working on a nanodegree program in Front-End Web Development. Previously, I was a PhD student in Hispanic Linguistics and a college Spanish instructor. Technology has always been a part of my life. In the mid 1990s, while in college, I bought my first computer, a Windows 95 machine. I learned HTML on my own and created my first website on Geocities. As a Masters student at the University of Colorado at Boulder I created an educational website to introduce Latin American culture to the students of the university's department of Spanish and Portuguese.

In addition to, I have taken courses in web development at,, and

When I'm not developing websites, I am spending time with my family or reading philosophy, science fiction, history, and politics.

Picture of Richard Shaw's family